Friday, November 15, 2013

Go west, young man!

Oh, 2013... This is what I think of you:


Remember when I said this at the end of 2012??

I only hope 2013 has more of the good and less of the crap. 
But as long as the manfriend is around, it will all be ok.

Oh, how naive I was. Let's look at a quick run down of this year, shall we?

January: Started a new job!! Now I have three!
February: Missed my train to Detroit, manfriend bought me a last minute plane ticket to get me there - so we could get engaged!! Yay love!
March: Find out my mom is sick - it's going to be ok, but still. Rough. Also visited Courtney and Janelle (mostly to compare engagement rings - I'll never forget Court having a good laugh at us as Janelle and I checked out each other's diamondz).
April: Sadly, the manfriend's mother lost her battle with breast cancer. We had a sad, yet lovely celebration of her life.
May: Went to Louisville for Mother's day and my younger sister's college graduation! And we set a wedding date. On May 17th, we decided to get married on August 17th. Like ya do. Also, started working in the fashion industry. Yay four jobs!
June: Packed up and cleaned out the manfriend's mother's house. Again, rough.
July: Holy shit, we're getting married next month ahhhh!!! Bachelor party, bridal shower, general crafting, and neurotic spreadsheet organization abounds. Related: I bought 20 yards of burlap and have about 17 yards left. If anyone needs/wants burlap, come talk to me.
August: WEDDING.
September: Things actually started to calm down and I felt like we could be starting to return to normal. FOOL.
October: Visited my mom at Vanderbilt. We were so happy we could go down to see her and I sincerely hope our presence (and the wickedly tough numbers game I brought her) gave her some joy. Oh, and I got old(er).
November: Hosting Thanksgiving. And decided to move to Oregon.
December: Oh holy shit we're moving to Oregon.

Photo credit:

If you had told me last New Year's Eve that THIS New Year's Eve we would be married and living in Oregon, I would have laughed and laughed and gone to get myself another drink.

We're going to Oregon because the manfriend has an amazing new job. With a salary. And a normal schedule. And health insurance (!!!!). Also - mountains.

Dear 2014,

I know we have another month of 2013 to get through, but we all know that this is basically over and I just need a little sanity in my life. So. Here's what I need from you: a job in Oregon for me as well, time to read, time to hike, time to run, time for my husband and me to go on little mini-breaks around the west coast... Mostly, I need time. Time to breathe. Time to sleep. Time to finish projects. Time to be a normal married couple.


Despite the emotional roller coaster that this year has been, one thing has been constant: Mr. Mac. I was right when I said, "As long as the manfriend is around, it will all be ok." Because he's still around and it's still ok. 

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